Trinity Community Church

Encounter - The Work of the Holy Spirit

Tyler Lynde

What if the key to a transformed life lies in understanding the often-misunderstood work of the Holy Spirit? In this enlightening sermon from our “Encounter” series, Pastor Tyler Lynde explores “The Work of the Holy Spirit,” delving into how the Spirit magnifies Jesus’ ministry and empowers believers today.

Tyler reflects on John 16:12-15, discussing how the Holy Spirit guides us into all truth, speaking not on His own authority but declaring what He hears from Jesus and the Father. This profound relationship allows the Spirit to make Jesus’ presence felt in millions of believers simultaneously, multiplying His impact exponentially through Spirit-filled followers.

He also unpacks the difference between conviction and condemnation, emphasizing the Holy Spirit’s role in convicting the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment (John 16:7-11). Conviction is presented as a hopeful force that leads us to recognize our need for a Savior, contrasting with the hopelessness of condemnation.

Furthermore, Tyler highlights the Holy Spirit’s essential work in regeneration and continual filling of believers. By being “born again” and maintaining an ongoing relationship with the Spirit, we are empowered to love others and live boldly for Jesus. He references Titus 3:4-7 and Acts 2:1-4 to illustrate this transformative process.

A poignant personal story underscores the importance of keeping Jesus at the center of our faith. Tyler warns against prioritizing signs and wonders over a genuine relationship with Christ, reminding us that the Holy Spirit’s primary mission is to glorify Jesus.

Join us in this profound exploration of the Holy Spirit’s transformative work. Discover how understanding and embracing the Spirit’s role can lead to a truly transformed life, empowered to further God’s kingdom on Earth.

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Tyler Lynde:

I have the privilege this morning of bringing to you a message that I have really been excited about, and that is we're in this sermon series Encounter, and the message is the work of the Holy Spirit. So last week Scott did an amazing job, starting this out by talking about the person of the Holy Spirit, who he is, how he feels, all of those things, and he even, you know, kind of tried to explain the Trinity, which we realize is a large task to try to accomplish right. He even tiptoed a little bit towards my message for this week and I'm going to forgive him right up front. I'm going to say I forgive him because it's kind of hard to talk about who a person is without explaining a little bit about what that person does, right, and so I have to give him a little bit of grace in that way. But we're going to pick up from there and we're going to be looking at who the Holy Spirit is. This is a huge subject I hope you understand that and so we're going to look at categories where there's no way I'm going to be able to get into specifics about every aspect of the work of the Holy Spirit. That would be like me trying to stand up here and tell you how amazing my wife is. I mean, we would be here for a very long time with me explaining that. And then you take that and multiply it and then we talk about who the Holy Spirit is right. And so it would take a long time for me to be able to do that. We don't have the time to do that, but I am going to do the best that I can to be true to scripture and to give you a well-rounded understanding, to give us a well-rounded understanding of what the Holy Spirit does, and I want to start by picking up a portion of the verses that Scott read from last week.

Tyler Lynde:

So let's turn to John, chapter 16, verses 12 through 15. So, before we talk about what the Holy Spirit does, I want us to understand from the scripture what the motivation of the Holy Spirit is. How many of you know that? Just as important as what a person does, the reason why they do what they do is just as important, right? And so we want to look at the Holy Spirit and understand what is the motivation of his heart, what is behind the work that he does? Why does he do what he does? So John 16, verses 12 through 15 give us a window into this.

Tyler Lynde:

Let's read the word of God. But whatever he hears, he will speak and he will declare to you the things that are to come. He will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it to you. All that the father has is mine. Therefore, I said that he will take what is mine and declare it to you. Let's pray this morning. Father. I'm so grateful for what you've already done this morning, what you already are accomplishing in each life that is represented here and online. This morning, lord, we ask that you continue to do your great work through the study of your word this morning. I ask that you cause my words to be filled with your words. We'd be filled with life and love and hope and encouragement and conviction, and we pray, lord, that you would use these words to bring about your purpose in the building of your kingdom in people's lives, and we thank you for it in Jesus' name, amen.

Tyler Lynde:

I want to ask you a question what is one limitation that and this is hard for us to imagine, right? So just think about this a little bit. Literally, this is pretty literal what is one limitation that Jesus had while he was on this earth. That made it important important enough for him to say it's essential that I go away so that I can send the Holy Spirit to you. So what is the one limitation that caused Jesus to need to leave this planet in order to be able to send the Holy Spirit to come? Can you think of what it was? Yes, yes, you got it. He's one person who could be in one place at one time. And how many of you know you'd want to be in that one place at that one time whenever Jesus was there? Right, but think about how, how incredible it is that God, in his forethought, in his master plan, in his sovereignty and in all of the, the thinking that his great mind does, made a plan where he could send himself, in the form of the Holy Spirit, to come to this earth to not only be in one place at one time, but to be all over the place at one time and not only live with people, like Jesus did, but he can move in with them and move into them and dwell in them. What a powerful gift the Holy Spirit is to us. Amen. And not only is that important because of the fact that we've experienced that individually. But how many of you know, the ministry of Jesus can be multiplied exponentially because millions of people are walking on the planet right now who are filled with the Holy Spirit. He dwells on the inside of them, and what a privilege we have of working with God in reaching people with the truth of Jesus Christ.

Tyler Lynde:

So in our passage this morning, jesus has just finished the infamous last supper with his disciples in the upper room and he's you know, he's washed their feet, they've had the communion together and he's instituted that. And now they're actually walking on their way to the garden of Gethsemane. And we know the garden of Gethsemane is a place where Jesus would pray and ask his disciples to pray, and of course they were weary and so they fell asleep. They couldn't pray for one hour and Jesus would come back and say, hey, wake up, please. This is the hour I need you to pray. And Jesus would go back and he'd spend time with his father. And we know the famous prayer that he prayed Lord, if there's any way that this cup can pass from me, please let it be, but nevertheless, not my will, but your will be done. Aren't you glad that that's the way that Jesus prayed, because we know that he carried out the will of the father and was obedient to death, even death on the cross.

Tyler Lynde:

So as they're walking and talking, jesus continues to remind them that he's going to be leaving them soon. Doesn't seem like this is sinking in very well? It's almost like the disciples were like sheep, and Mark shared, you know, some stories about sheep a few weeks ago and it's pretty obvious that they needed to be told over and over again. And before we judge them too harshly, place yourself in their shoes. You know, maybe you're thinking oh, he's talking figuratively, like he's going to go to another village and he's going to send us to another village while he's over here. No, no, no, he's actually going to leave and it's important for him to leave. It's urgent that he leaves. He's going to be going to prepare a place for them in heaven, but he's also going to be sending the Holy Spirit to them. The disciples understandably still need to be convinced. Holy Spirit to them. The disciples understandably still need to be convinced. They need some convincing.

Tyler Lynde:

And here Jesus refers to the Holy Spirit as what? The Spirit of truth. It's interesting because two chapters earlier, in John 14, jesus says what I am, the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except by me. So when Jesus says that he's going to send the Holy Spirit and he gives them the defining name or characteristic of being the Spirit of truth, jesus is giving us a snapshot of the motivation of the Holy Spirit. What is the motivation? Why is the Holy Spirit coming? Let's read on. Let's talk about this some more. When the Holy Spirit comes, he will lead and guide Christ's followers into all truth.

Tyler Lynde:

Then Jesus begins to speak about the again, about the motivation of the Holy Spirit. What we discover as a summation of Jesus's statements concerning these things is as follows of Jesus's statements concerning these things is as follows the work of the Holy Spirit bottom line is to glorify Jesus. Make no mistake about it. The Holy Spirit came to this earth and his ultimate goal is to glorify Jesus Christ. That's why he's called the spirit of truth, because he's going to take the truth that is Jesus, and he's going to expound upon that. He's going to take that and deliver it through the scriptures and through many other ways and means. I'm thankful that Jesus understood this and that he knew the value of sending the Holy Spirit. It says here, in this passage again, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears, he will speak and he will declare to you the things that are to come. He will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it to you.

Tyler Lynde:

The Holy Spirit, the work of the Holy Spirit, is to glorify Jesus. What does it mean to glorify something? That's a Bible word, right, but what does it mean literally? You know what it means. It means to shine the spotlight on the Holy Spirit's number one job, the thing that makes him get up in the morning, not as if he needs to sleep at night, but if he did need to sleep at night, the alarm clock would go off and his first thought would be how can I shine the light on Jesus today? How can I expose who Jesus is to the world and to the masses today? How can I make sure that people don't forget the work that Jesus did while he was here on the earth? This is what the Holy Spirit lives for, and this is what the Holy Spirit lives in us for. He wants to draw our attention to a man named Jesus. He does this by pressing home to our hearts the truth, the righteousness. Our hearts the truth, the righteousness, the majesty, the beauty, the goodness, the splendor of who Jesus is. Do we understand this in ourselves? Do we know how wonderful and how amazing and how glorious Jesus is? Do we remind ourselves of this? Do we preach the gospel to ourselves daily? I don't enough.

Tyler Lynde:

If I'm being honest, the Holy Spirit's chief purpose is not to make himself known or prominent, but to magnify the person of Jesus Christ. The Spirit interprets and applies the character and teaching of Jesus to his disciples and to us and by so doing makes him central to their thinking and real in our lives. My friends, we must never separate the work of the Holy Spirit from the person and mission of Jesus. The Holy Spirit did not come to do away with Jesus. The Holy Spirit came to magnify, to glorify, to make him larger than ever before, and we must remember this or else we will end up in false doctrine and heresy. How many people do we know that have gone down the road of exalting the Holy Spirit instead of understanding the work of the Holy Spirit and exalting Christ, and have ended up in strange places doing strange things?

Tyler Lynde:

Let's back up for a minute and join Scott's thought again by saying the Trinity is a mutual admiration society. That's the truth. The Trinity is a mutual admiration society. They seem to like each other. All that the father has is mine. Therefore, I said that he will take what is mine and declare it to you. So the father's going to declare about the son, the son's going to declare about the father, the spirit's going to declare about the son, and on and on and on.

Tyler Lynde:

Think about how the father glorified his son, jesus, at his baptism. Before he ever healed the sick or raised the dead or preached a sermon, his father said this is my son, in whom I'm well pleased. His father said this is my son, in whom I'm well pleased. Think about how the father glorified his son at the time of transfiguration. Think about the resurrection of Jesus and how the father glorified his son in that. And how about the ascension? And we know that when Jesus went back to heaven, what happened? He was given the name above every other name, that at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. How about the son? Did he glorify the father Absolutely? He glorified the father by saying and doing only what his father told him to and being obedient to his father, even to the point of death on the cross. Jesus was glorifying his father continuously.

Tyler Lynde:

Just listen to the first five verses of John 17. This is the prayer of Jesus to his father. Father, the hour has come. Glorify your son, that the son may glorify you, since you have given him authority over all flesh to give eternal life to all whom you have given him, and this is eternal life that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. I glorify. How many times is that word going to be used? I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work that you gave me to do, and now, father, glorify me in your own presence with the glory that I had with you before the world existed. These three individuals, who make up one God, love each other and they can't stop talking about each other in positive ways, in positive tones, and appreciating and loving and respecting and honoring and glorifying each other. What a picture of unity. What a picture of beauty. What a picture of beauty. So I'm going to look quickly with you at seven characteristics of the Holy Spirit when it comes to the work that he does, but please understand that all of them need to come under the category that his motivation is to bring glory and honor to Jesus Christ. So the first one, let's jump in.

Tyler Lynde:

The Holy Spirit glorifies Jesus by conviction. Now, this is one we may want to skip over, right? No, we don't need to skip over this. This one is very important. In John 16, just the verses that were right before the passage that I read. Nevertheless, I tell you the truth it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the helper will not come to you, but if I go, I will send him to you. And when he comes, listen, he will convict the world concerning sin yeah, those people out there, wait a minute. How many of you know we are not of this world, but we are in this world and we need conviction of sin as well, and we were all sinners that needed Christ at one point in our lives. And when he comes, he will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment. Concerning sin, because they do not believe in me. Concerning righteousness, because I go to the father and you will see me no longer. And concerning judgment, because the ruler of this world is judge, is is judged.

Tyler Lynde:

So one of the main actions of the holy spirit is to bring conviction. And what's the difference between conviction and condemnation? Conviction has hope genetically connected to it, attached to it. In other words, when the Holy Spirit brings conviction, it's with an answer you can change, you can come out of that, you can walk away from that. Condemnation says this is who you are and you will never change. Condemnation says this is who you are and you will never change. I prefer conviction, don't you? And that's who the Holy Spirit is. He brings.

Tyler Lynde:

One of the things he does is he brings conviction. So he convicts the world of sin first. The world has no true understanding of the nature of sin. All you have to do is read social media for about 10 minutes and you understand that right. But the Spirit will show people that they are sinners because of what? Their? Unbelief in Jesus Christ. Again, his total motivation is to bring glory to Jesus. What is the only sin that will send people to hell?

Tyler Lynde:

All of you are probably choosing one off the top 10 list. But what is it? It's unbelief, it's refusing to believe in Jesus Christ. That is the sin that will send people to hell. And please understand hell is real. It's not a figment of our imagination. It's not something that preachers talk about a lot anymore, but I am telling you it is a place that is reserved for Satan and for demons and for those who refuse to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ and this conviction theme.

Tyler Lynde:

He goes on to say that he convicts the world of false righteousness. How many of you know that? One of Satan's tricks that he tries to play on people and he uses human beings to do it? And Jesus spent a lot of his ministry dealing with people who said to other people you can be made righteous by following these rules. If you just do A, b and C, you are righteous. How many of you have discovered that that is a lie? There is no way that you and I can make our relationship right with God by doing certain things, by following a certain list of rules, by doing the do's and not doing the don'ts right. Why? Because even if we did everything right, the motivation of our hearts aren't pure, so we do things for the wrong reasons a lot of times right. So we need conviction concerning true righteousness and not walking in false righteousness.

Tyler Lynde:

The world's idea of righteousness is very different from God's. Only when the world is convicted of the hollowness of its own righteousness, will it appreciate the righteousness of Christ, which has been proven by his exaltation? The righteousness of Christ, which has been proven by his exaltation. How many of you know that Jesus is the righteousness of God? And he gives to us, he imputes to us, the gift of righteousness as followers of him. What a great gift that is. And then, finally, he convicts the world of wrong judgment. Doesn't take much of a rocket scientist to understand that the world's judgment is off. It's wrong, and so was ours. The world's judgment is wrong concerning god. In fact, we are told that we are god.

Tyler Lynde:

Maybe not in such terms, but how many of you know that children are told from an early age you can do anything you want to do. You can be anything you want to be, dream big, you're amazing, you're it. You're all that there is in the whole universe, it all centered around you. That sounds real, nice and wonderful, but I'm telling you it's wicked. It's a wicked device that is meant to turn our eyes away from our need for a savior. The prince of this world understands this principle well, because he attempted to make himself like the most high, and so he uses that same temptation with humanity over and over again. But how many of you know that Satan was condemned, he is condemned and he was judged at the cross of Calvary. And when Jesus said it is finished, it wasn't just about us receiving the opportunity to be born again, it was about the grip of Satan being removed. Be born again, it was about the grip of Satan being removed. He has been judged by the cross of Jesus Christ. This world is equally condemned with its false prince. Let's move on. Maybe there'll be something a little happier in here.

Tyler Lynde:

The second one, second characteristic of the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit glorifies Jesus by regeneration. How many of you know that Jesus said to Nicodemus you must be what Born again, must be what Born again. This is the theological word, the technical word for that experience. We must be born again. Titus 3, verses 4 through 7. But when the goodness and loving kindness of God, our Savior, appeared, he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit whom he poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ, our Savior, so that, being justified by his grace, we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life, of eternal life. Make no mistake about it. We were not just sick people who needed a doctor, we were not just slightly off, we were not just mostly dead.

Tyler Lynde:

For some of you, your minds are going to a place from a movie, but I'm not going to say that because everybody accuses me of only using 90s movie references. So I'm not going to mention that this morning, as you wish, right? Okay, so moving on, don't go there. Don't go there. Mark's like convicting Lord. Yes, see, sometimes the Holy Spirit uses other people to bring conviction into our lives. We should pay attention to that, right?

Tyler Lynde:

Anyway, moving on, what was I talking about? Regeneration? We are born dead in our sin and trespasses. There is no hope outside of Jesus. And the Holy Spirit comes to, just like he did with Adam in the garden. When Adam was laying on the floor, having been built out of mud by the master's hands, the Spirit of God breathed into him the breath of life and Adam became a living man. In the same way, the Holy Spirit of God breathes on us that are lost and undone and without God in this world. He breathes on us and he causes us to be made alive unto God, for by grace are you saved through faith, not of yourselves.

Tyler Lynde:

This is the good news of God. This is part of the work of the Holy Spirit. It was not your good mind that caused you to repent. It was the gift of God. We are to pray actually for other people to be granted the gift of repentance. Lord, grant them the ability to acknowledge their need for a savior as part of this work of regeneration. He baptizes us into the body of Christ.

Tyler Lynde:

1 Corinthians 12, verse 13,. For in one spirit we were all how many of us we were all baptized into one body, jews or Greeks, slaves or free, and all were made to drink of one spirit. This is the work of the Holy Spirit. He baptizes us into the body of Christ. He makes that connection for us. It's the initiation of an ongoing relationship and that's the next point. Under this regeneration, he draws us into an ever-growing relationship with himself and with other people. How many of you are thankful that it's not just a prayer that you pray and then it's over with. This is a growing, building, developing relationship that you have with God and you have the privilege and opportunity of having that with other people as well. Yes, I said privilege and opportunity. It is a blessing to have other people in our lives that we're in right relationship with.

Tyler Lynde:

Jesus summed up the law and the prophets by saying what Shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, soul, strength, and you shall what Love your neighbor as yourself. The Holy Spirit gives us the ability to do this self. The Holy Spirit gives us the ability to do this Again. Jesus wouldn't say these words for conviction without giving us a way to do it. The Holy Spirit enables us to do it. The next point the Holy Spirit glorifies Jesus by continually filling believers. Continually filling believers.

Tyler Lynde:

Let's go to the classic passage, acts 2, verses 1 through 4. When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. Who are these? There's 120 of Christ's followers. Jesus, as he's getting ready to ascend into heaven, he tells his followers to go to Jerusalem and wait for the promise that would be sent from the Father, who is the Holy Spirit. And so they're waiting in this upper room. I'm sure Peter's about ready to order pizza. You know he's been waiting a while.

Tyler Lynde:

And then, all of the sudden, I love. Don't you love the word suddenly in the Bible, Most of the time it's attached to something really good. Sometimes in the Old Testament, suddenly it was attached to something not so good, but in the New Testament, when God moves, suddenly it's amazing. They were all together in one place and suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind and it filled the entire house where they were sitting and divided tongues as of fire, appeared to them and rested on each one of them and they were all what Filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. This was the initiation, this was the beginning of the evidence of the Holy Spirit being released in the earth. They were filled with the Holy Spirit and then in Ephesians 5, verse 18, paul says here and do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Holy Spirit.

Tyler Lynde:

We are encouraged to be filled and in the Greek, if you read this in the Greek, it should say be being filled with the Holy Spirit continually. And we know that this is true because in the book of Acts, the same people that we read that story about in Acts 2, verses 1 through 4, asked to be filled with the Holy Spirit multiple times. The same group of people why? Because they understood they could not be bold, they could not be courageous, they could not declare the name of Jesus in power and authority With might, with signs and wonders following, if it wasn't for the filling of the Holy Spirit in their lives. I hate the fact that in some realities, people have been taught that there's only one experience with the Holy Spirit. It takes away, in my opinion, so much of the relationship aspect and the feeling that can occur for mission and for all the things that God calls us to do and to be. Please don't find yourself in that category. It's the normal lifestyle of the believer to be being filled with the Holy Spirit.

Tyler Lynde:

The scriptural evidence of being filled with the Spirit includes such evidences as not necessarily ranked in importance and not necessarily experienced by everyone, but these are some of the evidences that we see. The evidences are speaking in unknown tongues, bold declaration of the word of God, miraculous gifts, signs and wonders. And here's the most important one Christ-like character. Christ-like character. And that leads us to our next point. The Holy Spirit glorifies Jesus by transformation, by transformation. Second, corinthians three says this Now, the Lord is the spirit, and where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we all, with unveiled face beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image From one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord. Who is the Spirit?

Tyler Lynde:

How many of you understand that the Holy Spirit loves to bring about transformation in our lives? Those of us who were thieves should steal no more. Those of us who were known as liars should lie no more. Those of us who were addicted to drugs should walk away from that lifestyle. Those of us who were known as liars should lie no more. Those of us who were addicted to drugs should walk away from that lifestyle. Those of us who lived promiscuous lives we should not live that way any longer, because not because we're trying to please God, necessarily in order to get him to pay attention to us, but because of the transformation that's happened on the inside of us. But because of the transformation that's happened on the inside of us. There's a new sheriff in town, there's a new resident on the inside of us. That which was dead before has been made alive unto God, and we have been changed.

Tyler Lynde:

I believe that there is no greater sign of the work of the Holy Spirit in a person's life than a remarkably changed life. What is your testimony? What is the word of your testimony? And, by the way, it doesn't have to include that you're involved in all of the sins that I mentioned before. It could simply be that God kept you from those things. What an amazing testimony that would be of transformation. To go against the culture of this world, to go against that which is being taught to us and told to us on a daily basis that this is normal, that this is the way that you should live, that this is who you are. How in the world can we tell the creator that he's wrong? And yet culture attempts to do that on a daily basis. The Holy Spirit came to glorify Jesus by changing our lives.

Tyler Lynde:

You with me?

Tyler Lynde:

Yeah, are you with me?

Tyler Lynde:

That's going to take a break. We're going to have a prayer break here for a minute. If you want more of the Holy Spirit, if you want to be filled with the Holy Spirit, I'm just going to ask you to stand to your feet right now, and you don't need to feel pressure. If you're not ready for that yet, that's fine. There's no judgment here, right? And if you're not able to stand, you can stand in your heart. You know what I mean. On the inside, you can be standing up and acknowledging. I want you just to take a minute now between you and Jesus and just ask him to fill you with his Holy Spirit, whatever that looks like for you.

Tyler Lynde:

Father, according to your word and by the grace that you granted to me this day, I pray, in the name of Jesus, that you would fill every person right now, in the name of Jesus, with your Holy Spirit. Father, I pray, from the top of their head to the soles of their feet, that they would know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you have come in to do the work that only you can do. I pray right now, in the name of Jesus, that bondage would break. I pray, lord, that relationships would be restored. I pray, father, that our vision and the way that we view you would be adapted to truth. Fill us, lord, god, we pray even now with your Holy Spirit and, father, we pray this especially for the next generations, lord. We pray, lord, that the God of our fathers and forefathers and all of those who have gone before us, that that God would be known in this generation. Lord, god, let them not be passed by. Fill them with your spirit and with your power and with your goodness, lord, jesus' name. Now let's just take a minute and thank him. Thank you, lord, for filling me with your spirit. I receive it by faith. I believe that you have done this work, jesus name, amen. Thank you Just about finished.

Tyler Lynde:

The next point is that the Holy Spirit glorifies Jesus by producing fruit. Wait, isn't that supposed to be separate from the work of the Holy Spirit? No, it's called the fruit of the Spirit. I mean, it's connected to him, right? Galatians 5, 22 and 23,. But the fruit of the Spirit is what Love. Let's say them together Galatians 5, 22 and 23. But the fruit of the Spirit is what Love. Let's say them together Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law.

Tyler Lynde:

The Holy Spirit loves to glorify the love of Jesus. The Holy Spirit loves to glorify the love of Jesus, for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Aren't you thankful for the verses in the gospels that talk about the compassion of Jesus? Holy Spirit loves to glorify the joy of Jesus. Bible says that for the joy set before him. He endured the suffering and the shame and the cross.

Tyler Lynde:

How about the Prince of Peace? Jesus is the Prince of Peace and the Holy Spirit loves to promote the Prince of Peace, the patience and kindness and goodness of Jesus, his faithfulness. There's never, there's no one that can compare to the faithfulness of Jesus. Not only is he faithful to his father that would almost seem doable, because the father is perfect but he is faithful to us who are unfaithful. And the Holy Spirit wants us to get a revelation of that, because the more we understand that guess what happens in us, we become more faithful, gentleness, self-control. I often think what Jesus could have done as the nails were being pierced into his hands. One word, with one word, he could have erect the scene, and yet he was disciplined enough to carry it out. It was disciplined enough to carry it out. Holy Spirit also glorifies Jesus by giving gifts 1 Corinthians 12, 4 through 11.

Tyler Lynde:

Now, there were varieties of gifts but the same spirit, and there are varieties of service but the same Lord, and there are varieties of activities. It's almost like the Trinity again is involved in all this, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the spirit for the common good. For to one is given, through the spirit, the utterance of wisdom, to another the utterance of knowledge according to the same spirit to another. Faith by the same spirit to another. Gifts of healing by the one spirit, but to another, the work in a, miracles to another. Prophecy to another, the ability to distinguish between spirits to another, various kinds of tongues to another, the interpretation of tongues. All these are empowered by one and the same spirit who apportions to each one individually as he wills. As he wills, the Holy Spirit lives and loves to glorify Jesus by giving gifts to followers of Jesus Christ.

Tyler Lynde:

We're gonna talk much more about this in future weeks, so we won't linger there. And finally, the Holy Spirit glorifies Jesus by empowering mission. By empowering mission, we've talked several times before about the greater works that will be done. Because I go to my father, I wonder if Jesus might've been talking about the fact that it would be done in such multiplication throughout all generations and that the Holy Spirit would be the one behind it all. Acts 1.8,. But you will receive power. Again, jesus is promising this to those who would go and wait to be filled with the Holy Spirit. You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth. The Holy Spirit loves to empower us to be ambassadors for Jesus Christ here, in our own families, in our neighborhoods, at our workplace, at school, wherever we are around the world. My final thought I want to give you this morning is that true ministry in the Holy Spirit never serves a private agenda, Rather working in us and through us. He never exalts himself, but he continually glorifies Christ, who glorifies the Father.

Tyler Lynde:

I grew up in a church that, unfortunately, promoted the Holy Spirit above the rest of the Godhead. They wouldn't have thought of it like that, but they talked a lot about the difference between our church and other churches, and it was never anything that had to do with Jesus. It always had to do with an expression of the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We actually had a lady that came to our church and I'm not going to go into detail, but she was a false prophet, found to be a false prophet later, and she had all kinds of signs and wonders that she performed, and I was 16, 17 years old. At the time my dad was the pastor and after the services I went to my dad and I said, dad, she never mentioned the name of Jesus. And my dad said but you know, she believes in Jesus. Of course she had the signs of the cross in her hands. She would supposedly bleed out of her hands and she'd have oil that would pour out her hands, which was all manufactured. We found out later.

Tyler Lynde:

Holy Spirit, don't believe a gospel that promotes the Holy Spirit above Jesus. The Holy Spirit comes to glorify Jesus and to make him real to us. I am so thankful that I'm a part of a church that understands the value of both, all three Father, son and Spirit. How many of you are grateful for each one of them in different ways. Heavenly Father is in heaven today. In his essence, jesus is at his right hand and the Holy Spirit is in the earth doing the will of the Father and the Son.

Tyler Lynde:

We need to know him. We need to understand him. We need to know him. We need to understand him, we need to experience him, but we need to know, above all else, that his primary role is to glorify Jesus Christ. When Jesus returns to this earth, there will no longer be a need for prophecy or tongues or any of those things that we value so much now Any of those things that we value so much now Because we will be like him. We will be changed in the twinkling of an eye. We will be glorified. The Holy Spirit's a part of that work as well. But, man, if you're going to live one day in this earth, before you go to heaven, you need the Holy Spirit in your life. Amen.

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